Changes to Your CONFIG.SYS File

After you have finished installing the DeskMan/2 components, your CONFIG.SYS file must be changed. The DeskMan/2 Installation Tool can do this for you automatically if you choose, or you can do it manually.

If you elect to allow the DeskMan/2 Installation Tool to automatically change your CONFIG.SYS file, then it will add the path specifications for the DeskMan/2 components to the existing LIBPATH, SET PATH, SET HELP, and SET BOOKSHELF statements in your CONFIG.SYS file. Additionally, the Installation Tool will save your previous LIBPATH, SET PATH, SET HELP, and SET BOOKSHELF statements by inserting REM statements at the beginning of each existing line.

If you choose to let the DeskMan/2 Installation Tool change your CONFIG.SYS file automatically, it will also save your old CONFIG.SYS file as CONFIG.DM2. If, instead, you choose to change your CONFIG.SYS file manually, it will save the recommended changes in a file of the same name - CONFIG.DM2.