Using DM/2 Image

Use DM/2 Image to access the Configuration Image Facility via the command line interface.

Both PMImage and DM/2 Image save information about their configurations in the same file. You can change this file using PMImage, or you can edit this file using a text editor, to control how DM/2 Image operates. See page of this chapter for a description of the Configuration Image Facility configuration file.

The syntax for using DM/2 Image is:

DM2IMAGE {options or keywords} {repository}

where the available options are:

if the AUTOGEN value is set to 1, override and save an extra generation. Otherwise, save normally.
backup the environment to the specified repository file. Alternatively, use /S or the Save keyword described below.
display the current configuration file named DM2IMAGE.CFG, if it exists, and save the user options while updating the system configuration options. If the configuration file is not found, DM/2 Image will create one. Alternatively, use the keyword "config".

Note : The configuration file is ALWAYS written to the current directory, and it ALWAYS assumes that the current directory is where the repository files will be placed. DevTech recommends that you not change the locations of these files.

Note : If you do move the configuration or repository files to a new directory, re-run the DM/2 Image configuration option while in the new directory. DM/2 Image will reset the system variables while preserving the user options.

force the WPS to immediately save all objects (or alternatively use the keyword "flush").
ignore error prompts and report only error codes.
send the screen output to a log file or to PMPRINTF. Unless you specify otherwise, the log file used will be DM2IMAGE.LOG. Use this feature when you run DM/2 Image unattended or in the background. New events will be appended to an existing log file. Remember to purge this file from time to time, or it will grow overly large.
quiet, suppress progress messages. Sending the output to a logging file or PMPRINTF will automatically suppress progress messages.
restore the environment stored in the specified repository file (or alternatively use the keyword "restore").
save the environment to the specified repository file (or alternatively use the keyword "save").
verify the accuracy of the most recently saved image.
forces DM/2 Image to use the named configuration file rather than the default DM2IMAGE.CFG. Make sure you do not insert a space between the u and the file name. You will find a discussion of the configuration file later in this chapter.
The available keywords are:
display the current configuration file, if it exists, and save the user options while updating the system configuration options (alternatively use the option "/c"). If a configuration file is not found, DM/2 Image will create one.
restore the environment stored in the specified repository file (alternatively use the option "/r").
save the environment to the specified repository file ( alternatively use the option "/s").
force the WPS to immediately save all objects ( alternatively use the option "/f").
perform a complete shutdown instead of only resetting the WPS after restoring an environment.
The [repository] parameter is the location and name of the repository file containing the image of the environment you wish to save or restore. You can use any file name for a repository except the keywords configure, restore, save, flush, and shutdown. The default repository name is DM2IMAGE.