
Saving an image

To save an image into a repository named myname, logging results in a file named SAVE.LOG, enter the following at the command prompt:

DM2Image /s /lsave.log myname

Restoring the most recently saved image

To restore the most recently saved image from a repository named myname, enter the following at the command prompt:

DM2Image /r myname

Restoring an older image

To restore an older image from a repository named myname, enter the following at the command prompt:

DM2Image /r myname.Gnn

.where nn is the number in the file name extension associated with the generation you wish to restore. The file name for the most recent backup will not include the Gnn extension.

Examples of the Gnn extension:

most current = myname

next most current = myname.G01

third most current = myname.G02